
With the remarkable  development of technology ,the laptop is more and more common in our life.Therefore,It is also gradually changed from the office goods in life to become the necessities of life.There are also many operational problems with laptop, and many people are confused about them. Now , occur a small question, how to boost the laptop battery? I think a lot of people will want to know the answer to this question, and that’s why many people should usually ignore this little problem, once the battery is not charged will react to their own laptop will not charge it. Okay, let me talk about boost your laptop battery ?


首先,首先,筆記本都是自帶充電器的。 筆記本充電器用數據線連接筆記本圓形插孔,另一端接電源插座充電,充電時筆記本在任務欄中會有類似電池的圖案,鼠標在電池圖案上將顯示正在充電,剩餘幾個小時。 充電 100% 時可以拔下充電器電纜。


其次,充滿電後拔掉電源。當您的筆記本電池充滿電時,您不應再使用外部電源使用筆記本電腦。 因為筆記本電腦是在裝電池的時候使用的,所以電池實際上是用來充電的。 交流電和電池同時使用,除了會降低電池壽命外,不僅會導致機器過熱,還容易損壞其他部件。